A study by the American Hair Loss Association stated that two-thirds of men will start to lose their hair by the age of 35 and around 85% of men will experience balding or thinning hair by the age of 50. Women are not immune to this unfortunate problem, too. In fact, around 40% of people who suffer from hair loss are women. Approximately 50% of women will be dealing with some type of hair loss when they reach the age of 50. 

Although hair loss is very frustrating, it does not have to be the end of the world for you. With the number of people suffering from the condition, hair loss treatment has become a billion-dollar industry. Hundreds of hair loss treatments are available in the market and you can choose any treatment that suits you best. If you have been browsing for the best treatment for hair loss, chances are, you’ve come across Turkey. Recently, more and more people are traveling to Turkey to undergo various types of hair loss treatment because the country offers high-quality procedures that are proven to be effective. If you’re wondering what these treatments are or if you’re considering your option before flying to this Eurasian country, let’s take a look at 3 of the most popular hair procedures in the country.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP) is a type of hair tattooing that will give you the illusion of having a “full” head of hair. With SMP, tiny layered dots in different hues of clack are made to replicate the appearance of a shadow on your scalp. This tiny layered dots are made to look like natural hair follicles and blended in seamlessly with your complexion. The procedure is perfect for people who experience any form of hair loss, including people who experience thinning hair and want to make their hair appear thicker, people with severe baldness, cancer patients, people who suffer from alopecia, or those who want to conceal scars from a hair transplant. If you have scalp acne or other skin sensitives, such as psoriasis, you should avoid getting SMP when you have a breakout or flare-up because applying pigment to the inflamed areas can be difficult. Also, if you are prone to keloids, you should avoid this procedure.

Scalp micro-pigmentation is performed under topical anesthetic, so you may still feel some discomfort. Depending on the amount of scalp the procedure is performed on, you may need several treatments. However, if you want long-term retention, you may need to undergo three to four treatments. Make sure your scalp micro-pigmentation is performed by a skilled professional who has certification of SMP training. If the procedure is done by someone who does not have adequate skills, the result may not be as natural as it should be. 

Hairline Lowering Surgery

Hairline lowering surgery, also known as scalp advancement, forehead reduction, and forehead contouring, is the best solution for people who experience a receding hairline and those who want to feminize their faces. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthetic. The surgeon will draw your new hairline and made it wavy or zigzag to mimic your natural hairline and reduce scarring, so the result can be very natural. The incisions are placed strategically, usually around where the hair can regrow to minimize the visibility of the scar. You will see an immediate change to the appearance once your bandage is removed, but it may take around six to eight weeks until you see the final results. The change can be very significant and you can enjoy enhanced appearance without changing your face entirely. 

Hairline lowering surgery is not for everyone. The ideal candidate for this surgery is people who have naturally high hairline or large forehead and thick hair. If your hairline is high due to hair loss, you may undergo this surgery but you need to still have a good amount of hair in your head. Also, you need to have a good scalp laxity (stretchiness), in great health and have realistic expectations. Good scalp laxity is very vital to this procedure since your surgeon needs to stretch your scalp to the new hairline. If your scalp laxity is great but you don’t have enough scalp to reach the new hairline, your surgeon may use tissue expanders.

Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is possibly the most popular hair procedure in Turkey. It may sound like a major surgery that needs long recovery time, but the fact is, hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure that only needs very short downtime. The procedure works by moving hair follicles from one part of your body that have healthy hair follicles to a balding or thinning part of your body. There are two popular techniques to perform this procedure: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Both of these techniques will give you natural results. However, if you like to keep your hair very short – like number 0 or number 1 haircut – you may want to undergo FUE instead of FUT as FUT hair transplant will leave a linear scar in the back of your head that can only be concealed by keeping your hair at a certain length. 

Although most people undergo the procedure to bring back a fuller head of hair, hair transplant is actually not limited to the hair on your head. You can also undergo the procedure to restore hair in your eyelashes, eyebrows, beards, or chest. The procedure is known to be the most effective way to treat hair loss. However, not everyone can undergo a hair transplant. You need to have the ability to grow hair on the balding or thinning area of your scalp and enough healthy hair on your scalp to transplant to your thinning area. To know whether you’re a candidate for this procedure, make sure you consult your local doctor before flying to Turkey.